
Mental Training

Who is Gianfranco Gramaccioni...
Going straight to his web site, we can read:
I graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1977 and subsequently I specialized in Sports Medicine, Oncology and Psychotherapy, deepening in particular the study of psychology applied to sport.
Although I have worked for several years as a university adjunct professor, I am not an academic; my experience was almost entirely "on the field", giving me the privilege of being "closer" to the athletes, coaches and patients I followed, learning to be more flexible and attentive to their needs.
I was National President and for many years a member of the board of the Sport Psychology Italian Association.
For forty years I worked as a General Practitioner, also exercising the activity of Psychotherapist and consultant for mental preparation for athletes of various sports......

Having made this premise, we begin to understand which "style" Gianfranco wanted to give to his latest literary effort (let's not forget the book "Preparazione Mentale nello Sport" written in collaboration with Prof. Claudio Robazza and Prof. Laura Bortoli, back in 1994).
In fact, they range from "Conoscere la Psicologia dello Sport, ma anche noi stessi" (Knowing Sport Psychology, but also ourselves) to the presentation of specialist models in "Quando lo Psicologo diventa indispensabile" (When the Psychologist becomes indispensable) and the very interesting "Quando il benessere viene prima della prestazione: sport giovanile ed esercizio fisico" (When well-being comes before performance: youth sport and physical exercise).
And then there is the chapter "Come realizzare un programma di Preparazione Mentale" (How to make a Mental Preparation program) which is developed with:
       Le Basi della Preparazione Mentale (The Basics of Mental Preparation)
       Arousal e prestazione (Arousal and performance)
       Conoscere e gestire le emozioni (Know and manage emotions)
       Attenzione e concentrazione (Attention and concentration)
       Imagery e preparazione mentale (Imagery and mental preparation)

As you can guess, the book covers a very large even if specific area and there are also references to other texts by other authors that can broaden the baggage of knowledge.

In summary, we can identify the 8 modules to follow (perhaps even one per week):
       Autovalutazione e consapevolezza (Self-assessment and awareness)
       Valori ed obiettivi (Values and goals)
       Attenzione e pensieri (Attention and thoughts)
       Autoregolazione dell'arousal (Arousal Self-regulation)
       Concentrazione e fattori di distrazione (Concentration and distraction factors)
       Imagery motoria (Motor imagery)
       Emozioni e preparazione alla gara (Emotions and competition preparation)

As I said in the introduction, Gianfranco occasionally organizes some very interesting webinars.
For example, always reading from his web site, in February he organized:

Webinar "Smart Mental Training" - February 6, 2023
The idea of this meeting was born from the difficulty of dedicating the "right" time to mental preparation every day.
Often athletes and coaches start the practice of Mental Training with enthusiasm, but then the unexpected and numerous daily commitments make regular, daily exercise difficult, and so you either give up on mental training or do it executes only when the need is felt.
To try to address this problem, I created a mental skills training program that I entitled "SMART MENTAL TRAINING" that I will present to you in this webinar, during which I will give you a demonstration of how during some normal daily activities (e.g. walking, stretching, running, cycling, warming up at the start of training, etc...) it is possible to use these moments to effectively train mental abilities.
It is therefore not about doing something that requires additional time, but to learn to do what we already do in a different way.

Webinar "From theory to practice: Tips and exercises to implement a mental preparation program" - February 13, 2023
The webinar intends to deepen the theoretical foundations of mental preparation from a practical point of view.
The goals of the meeting are to provide you with some practical guidance on how to structure a mental training program basic in eight weeks starting from exercises that you can initially carry out alone at your home and gradually too in the sporting context but also in the working or study context.
The learning of mental skills should, based on my experience, first be carried out in a "protected" environment, at home, or in any case in an environment possibly free from disturbing factors: a few minutes a day are enough to start training with satisfaction and pleasure the basic mental skills, which you will gradually learn to transfer to the context sports (place of training and competitions) or to work or study.
During the webinar, some recordings and cards are provided that you will use during the training. To learn more about the topics treated you can use as a reference text my book "Mental preparation in sport and in life.
Practical guide for athletes and non-athletes coaches" that you can buy on Amazon or on other platforms both in paper edition and as an e-book.
The topics have already been covered in a previous webinar last year but some important ones will be presented in this edition updates.


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Marco Masetti

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