Training and A.I.                  Artificial Intelligence
        Action                  Intention, but then...Action
        Concentration                  Training session to improve concentration
        Part 6 - Hand Biomechanics                  Sixth episode: analisys and evaluation of the data collected...
        Part 5 - Hand Biomechanics                  Fifth episode: who and how uses grips for precision shooting in Air Pistol
        Part 4 - Hand Biomechanics                  Fourth episode: fingers force distribution exerted on the grip....
        Part 3 - Hand Biomechanics                  Third episode: hand motor control in Air Pistol....
        Part 2 - Hand Biomechanics                  Continues documentation of Giuseppe "Biagio" Biagini....
        Part 1 - Hand Biomechanics                  I received from Giuseppe "Biagio" Biagini....
        Involved or Committed                  The metaphore of the "Chicken and the Pig"...
        Right or Wrong?                  I was reading something on the web about the "Survival Bias"...
        Plan your Training                  Let's talk a little about Training Periodization...
        Mental Training                  An overview of Mental Preparation and Dr. Gramaccioni's suggestions
        Self Talk of the Shooter                  Self Talk explained in the "Quaderni di Tiro Sportivo UITS"
        The Power of Thaught                  Illuminating article by Prof. Heinz Losel on the ISSF magazine regarding the strength of convictions
        Waiting for the 2022 Italian Championships                  Some suggestions for "Conscious" training in view of an important competition
        Workload                  A brief excursus on the parameters of "quantity" and "quality" referring to the Workload
        Stage in Bondeno August 29, 2021                  Intense training day in Bondeno...
        Scatt use consideration                  Some interesting considerations on the use of Scatt
        Rapid Fire Pistol                  51 Rapid Fire Pistol training sessions by Silvano Mignardi
        Competition like Training or Training like Competition?                  Approach to competition and training: which methodology is most useful?
        Free Pistol                  28 Free Pistol training modules (also useful for Air Pistol) by Silvano Mignardi
        Factors Affecting Performance                  A brief analysis of the factors that can influence Performance
        Stage in La Spezia in 2010                  Free Forum between Coaches in La Spezia on Training Methodology