
Intention but then...Action

The goal of every Coach and every Shooter, I hope you agree with me, should be the search for an always "better" shot, which should have a "better" score as the final result.

I believe the practical problem is resolved in identifying methodology useful for this purpose.

How and what can we do to achieve this goal?
Idealizing, visualizing or reasoning about intentions?
If this allows us to create or generate practical actions...OK, that's great!
But if these intentions remain as they are, our athlete THERE it was and THERE we find it again along his path

It is not the sole intention that moves a person, but the ACTION, therefore:

    - intention, but then ACTION
    - strategic part, but then practical part
    - visualization, but then set in motion.

And so the Coach must be able to give credible answers, and should be equipped with the right skills to give these answers.
Some of these skills we can identify in:

    - Knowledge = knowledge of theories
    - Knowing how to do = competence (which can be trained...by working).
    - Dedication = being able to stay tuned to your goal.

And at this point... good job everyone!
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The contents of this site have the sole purpose of illustrating my experiences as an Olympic Shooting Coach. The information contained therein does not intend to constitute a "manifesto" or even a new "theorem" on Target Shooting.

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Marco Masetti

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